Copyright & Trademark Suspensions
A Trademark is the use of any name, symbol, or design, used in business to distinguish or identify a product of a certain creator or distributor from another. Similarly, a Copyright provides protection for certain original works of authorship. You may get such a violation if you’ve used pictures or text that do not belong to you in connection with the sale of your product. This is a very common reason for an account suspension, but just because your product was similar in certain ways to another, does not mean you infringed on someone else’s trademark. Amazon adheres strongly to its copyright and intellectual property guidelines, which heavily benefit the accusing party. This violation will require the accused to directly communicate with the party that owns the rights, and that brought the claim to Amazon’s attention. Until the issue is resolved with the accusing party, your listing, or even your account in certain situations, will be suspended. This can be very stressful and burdensome as many accusers are engaged in inappropriate and inaccurate accusations to limit competitors in the marketplace. We’ll tackle this issue head on by contacting and negotiating with the rights owner to withdraw the claim, so you can return to the marketplace with your product and account intact.